Report Error Help Request Form

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Partner Report Error Help Request Form
Your Information


If you believe there is a discrepancy on a Equiptrack Report that requires research by our team, complete this form, and a team member will review your request.

Submit a request for assistance if you currently own the equipment and all of the following statements are true:

1. Is this your Equipment?
2. Incorrect Entry?
3. Supporting Documentation?
Be sure to add [email protected] to your email contacts, as you will receive an auto-confirmation email shortly after submitting this form. If you do not receive the auto-confirmation check your spam folder. If you have already submitted this form and have additional questions or additional documentation that will aid us in our research, you can email [email protected].
Equipment Information
Inquiry Details
Terms and Conditions

You understand that any information that you submit to Equiptrack(i) may be used by Equiptrack in its Equipment Maintenance Record (EMR) Service, (ii) may be incorporated into the Equiptrack Equipment Maintenance Record for the unit OEM, Model and Serial Number above and (iii) may be disclosed to defend against legal claims, if required by law and/or for purposes of law enforcement investigations. You hereby authorize Equiptrack, its employees and agents, to gain access to any information associated with the equipment above.

You certify that you are the current owner of the equipment associated with the serial number above and that the information you are providing to Equiptrack is accurate and complete. You agree to indemnify Equiptrack for any damages incurred as a result of any misstatements or omissions made by you.

By clicking "Submit" I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions above.
Think a report is missing data or has an error?

Tells us what you think is wrong or missing and we’ll research the issue.

Have a general question?
Think a report is missing data or has an error?

Tells us what you think is wrong or missing and we’ll research the issue.

Have a general question?

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